Kaiops is a unified AIOps platform to optimize Kubernetes cluster deployments.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is AIOps?
Gartner defines AIOps as the combination of “big data and machine learning to automate IT operations processes, including event correlation, anomaly detection, and causality determination.”
What kind of problems does AIOps solve ?
AIOps enables IT operations teams to respond more quickly and proactively to slowdowns and outages, with a lot less effort. AIOps
Improves Monitoring and Analytics Challenges, Speeds up problem-solving and deployment, Reduces IT operation costs, Pattern Discovery
and Reduces IT Noise
What is KaiOps ?
KaiOps is a a Unified AIOps platform using a system of integrations operating via a layer of intelligence using the ChatOps model, we plan on building a unified AIOps platform that can collectively address the following use cases:
Capacity Management
- Vertical scaling
- Horizontal scaling
- Pod de-scheduling
Event monitoring
- Anomaly detection
- Event correlation
Alerting and remediation
- Alerting
- Incident remediation
How do I get started?
Start by requesting your free demo. To do so, please register at kaiops.io to create your account. Be sure to use the email address associated with your Kaiops account.
What are the modes of operation of KaiOps ?
At present, we are providing two modes of operations
- Saas (Software as a Service)
- In-cluster deployment
How could AIOps help my organization?
Embracing AIOps frees SREs and DevOps helps teams get closer to the root cause and resolve issues faster, alleviating the burden of alert fatigue, and empowering teams to do what they do best: think creatively and strategically.
How is my data collected ?
Once installed, KaiOps collects cluster metrics through configurable data collectors such as Prometheus, Splunk, Datadog, etc.,
How often is my data collected ?
The collection rates could vary for each data collector. The standard rate is every 60 seconds and this rate is configurable as well.
Is my data safe?
We respect our client privacy and we comply with most of the data privacy standards such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), FIPS 40-2, etc., If privacy is your concern, our in-cluster deployment is your friend. In this mode, your data never leaves your network.
My question is not answered here.
Please email us at info@kaiops.io.